Redirect Plus

免费 开源 管理 Redirect Plus 2.12.0

Redirect Plus
Redirect Plus
  1. BungeeCord
  2. WaterFall
  1. 中文(简体)
  2. 英语
  3. 其他
  1. 1.7
  2. 1.8
  3. 1.9
  4. 1.10
  5. 1.11
  6. 1.12
  7. 1.13
  8. 1.14
  9. 1.15
  10. 1.16
  11. 1.17
  12. 1.18
  13. 1.19
  14. 1.20





  • 在服务器踢时重定向人员(如关机)
  • 在聊天中显示踢球消息。
  • 分配服务器组,以便将它们重定向到右侧(游戏)大厅。
  • 允许像 /skywars 这样的命令重定向到 skywars 大厅。
  • 当服务器关闭时,将玩家分散在大厅中。
  • 将某些操作列入黑名单,使其无法被重定向。
  • 使用权限限制某些组。
  • 防止大厅重定向。


PROGRESSIVE :将服务器填充到渐进最小量,然后填充下一个服务器,提供人口稠密的大厅。当所有服务器上都达到最小值时,使用 LOW。
CYCLE :循环到服务器以尽可能分散负载。这可能导致玩家独自进入服务器。
LOWEST :将玩家发送到在线玩家数量最少的服务器。
HIGHEST :将玩家发送到玩家数量最多的服务器。(不建议!)


  1. 下载RedirectPlus.jar
  2. 将插件放在您的 BungeeCord 插件文件夹中。
  3. 启动和停止BungeeCord。
  4. 配置config.yml
  5. 启动你的BungeeCord,开始重定向玩家们。


目前只有一个权限。确保将其添加到您的 BungeeCord config.yml


# All the messages send by the plugin.
 # Supported placeholders for 'redirected' message:
  # %from-server%  %to-server%  %from-group%  %to-group%  %reason%
  - "&f"
   - "&cAn kick occurred in your connection. &cReason:&r %reason%"
   - "&cYou have been send back to the main lobby."
   - "&f"
  - "&f"
   - "&cUnable to send you. All servers in that category are unavailable."
   - "&f"
  - "&f"
   - "&cUnable to send you to another server in this category."
   - "&f"
  - "&cYou don't have enough permissions to join this server group."
  - "&cYou cannot use that command here!"

# The amount of time between checking if a server is online.
# Players won't be connected to offline servers.
check: 30

# The delay that is given to the redirect message.
# When you have a lot of messages when a player joins a certain server this can help to make sure that the redirectplus messages shows as 'newest'.
# The delay is in seconds.
delay: 0

# Blacklist. When a kick message contains this word they will NOT get redirected.
#   This will result in the player seeing the kick screen.
 - "ban"

# Detect shutdown in server kick messages
#   This can be faster for when you want to shutdowns servers and using RedirectPlus to redirectplus those people.
  enabled: true
 - "shutdown"
  - "restart"
  - "closed"

# Don't show the redirect message if the message contains one of the following words.
# Can be useful when redirecting people from a game lobby and stuff.
 - "[Silent]"

# Disable the uses of aliases on specific servers.
# Useful when having auth servers and AuthMe is not installed on the BungeeCord
 # A list of servers to disable the aliases on.
  - someserver1
   - someserver2
  # Regex to identify these servers.
  regex: "none"

# unknown-group / server
# This will redirect unknown servers to the group listed here:
unknown-group: lobby

# Specify defaults here. You can overwrite these settings by adding them to groups them self.
 # Spread modes:
  #   PROGRESSIVE : Fill the server to the progressive-minimal amount, after that fill the next one, giving nicely populated lobbies. Uses LOWEST when the minimal is reached on all servers.
  #   CYCLE       : Cycle to the server to spread the load as much as possible. This can result in players being in a server on their own.
  #   LOWEST      : Send the player to the server with the lowest amount of players online.
  #   HIGHEST     : Send the players to the server with the highest amount of players. (Not adviced!)
  spread-mode: PROGRESSIVE

  # The minimal amount of players that are on a server before the next server gets selected.
  progressive-minimal: 20

# Server groups and their settings
  # If kicked from this server group, no redirects will happen.
   bottom-kick: true
   # Spread redirected people over the servers.
   spread: true
   # Spread mode, if spread is enabled, use the following spread mode (will overwrite global if used).
   spread-mode: PROGRESSIVE
   # The minimal amount of players that are on a server before the next server gets selected. (only used for PROGRESSIVE spread)
   progressive-minimal: 20
   # Parent group - If none of the servers are available, the parent group will be used.
   # Set to none if none. If the parent server group is needed the player will be kicked instead.
   parent-group: none
    - lobby1
     - lobby2
   servers-regex: 'none'
   # Servers that are connected to this group, but they won't be redirected to:
   connected: {}
   connected-regex: 'none'
   # Aliases can be used to redirect people to the server group when they use a certain command (Eg: lobby, hub, survival, towny, etc)
   aliases: {}
   bottom-kick: false
   spread: true
   parent-group: lobby
   # These servers do not have lobbies them self so we use a parent group.
   servers: {}
   servers-regex: 'none'
    - survival
     - pvp
   connected-regex: 'none'
   # Aliases can be used to redirect people to the server group when they use a certain command (Eg: lobby, hub, survival, towny, etc)
    - games

# Log settings, this will show your messages in console so you know what's going on.
 # If set to true the plugin will log redirects attempts that are canceled due to blacklisted words.
  blacklist: true
  # If set to true the plugin will log redirects that fail because no server was found.
  redirect-failed: true
  # If set to true the plugin will log players that do not get redirected due to the bottom-kick setting enabled.
  bottom-kick: false
  # If set to true the plugin will log successful redirect attempts.
  redirected: true
  # If set to true the plugin will log any cancelled redirect attempts due to inactive connections.
  inactive: true

#  # The main lobby. If kicked from here they should not be redirected so we enable bottom-kick.
#  # There are no connected servers here.
#  main-lobby:
#    bottom-kick: true
#    spread: true
#    parent-group: none
#    servers:
#      - lobby1
#      - lobby2
#      - lobby3
#    connected: {}
#    # Aliases can be used to redirect people to the server group when they use a certain command (Eg: lobby, hub, survival, towny, etc)
#    aliases:
#      - lobbies
#      - lobby
#  # This is the survival games group.
#  # bottom-kick is false, since we want redirects from the connected servers.
#  # The lobby servers are in the 'servers' list (so they will be redirected to) and the game servers are in the 'connected' list.
#  survivalgames:
#    bottom-kick: false
#    spread: true
#    parent-group: none
#    permission: server.survivalgames
#    servers:
#      - sg-lobby-1
#      - sg-lobby-2
#    connected:
#      - sg-game-1
#      - sg-game-2
#      - sg-game-3
#      - sg-game-4
#      - sg-game-5
#    # Aliases can be used to redirect people to the server group when they use a certain command (Eg: lobby, hub, survival, towny, etc)
#    aliases:
#      - survivalgames
#      - sg


Redirect Plus 有一个插件消息通道,用于向 BungeeCord 发送 /alias 命令。

Channel name: martenm:redirectplus
Subchannel: execute-alias
Argument 1: The player name that will be redirected.
Argument 2: The alias that should be executed.



  • 差分传播算法(Cylce、渐进式等)2.5.0
  • 允许别名(/skywars、/bedwards、/surivival)2.4.0
  • 创建服务器组。(枢纽、生存大厅等) 2.0.0
  • 在服务器上平衡玩家。(当玩家数量较多的服务器关闭时需要。 2.0.0

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